Saturday, June 28, 2014

Growing things ...

One of the things my parents taught me - or was it already in me? - was the fascination for growing things. My dad always pointed out flowers, trees, birds and what they wee called ... and he once said that an onion flower is pretty. I never knew what an onion flower looked like - until now. The thought and curiosity stayed with me, so a few months ago when I had an over-ripe onion in a cupboard I did not hesitate but planted it in a pot outside. And now I know what an onion flower looks like!

Wednesday, June 25, 2014

Summer words

If you are in the US and you hear someone saying "hammock", this is what that person is talking about:

In Swedish you would say "hängmatta" to the above, and a hammock looks like this in Sweden:

while it is called a canopy swing in the US.

Friday, June 20, 2014

Google Characters

Have you seen them? If you have google chrome as a browser- or visit, and open a blank tab, there are the characters g-o-o-g-l-e and most of the time they are "dressed up" to depict something that is going on right now. Like now, when the Futbul or Soccer World Cup is taking place, the characters are depicting scenes on or off the soccer field. Sometimes there is a play button and if you click on it, the characters come to life. It's little things like that that amuses and makes one's day a little brighter actually.

Sunday, June 15, 2014

Happy Father's Day!

Veggie Plates

I do appreciate the fact that more and more restaurants are having vegetarian (some even vegan) dishes to choose from. If they don't, most of them now offer a veggie plate where you can combine your favorite sides into one, big, yummy veggie feast. That's especially good when you're eating out with non-vegetarians: they chose theirs, you chose yours. Soooo ...

.... thank you restaurant menu makers for abiding to what's good for everyone :-)

Friday, June 13, 2014

Post CMA Fest Thoughts

So, now I can say "been there - done that" to the CMA Fest experience. I felt the happy vibes from thousands and thousands of people enjoying themselves, heard the water bottle vendors shout out to our need for replenishing our fluids and heard music everywhere. I can clearly see why it is a great fan fest - the laid back and intimate feel there is to it for artists and fans to connect at different levels. A very interesting part to watch is the movement of 60,000 people walking over the bridge to LP field. If someone could put all that combined energy into use, it might power Nashville for a year. Or maybe that's exactly what it does (I know there is more to it than that of course, it's just figuratively speaking).

The artists play for free and it benefits the CMA Foundation's Keep The Music Playing.

LP Field filling up with guests ...

Friday, June 6, 2014

En Dikt På Sveriges Nationaldag - A Poem On Sweden's National Day

En Skål För Sverige

Jag skålar för Sverige i fläderblomssaft
För sommar’n och ljuset och glädjen vi haft;
För språket och ord och fred på vår jord
Och fortsatt gemenskap och kärleksfull livskraft.

A Diverce Album

  The songs on here are mostly downbeat. Is that the proper way of saying the opposite of upbeat? (musically speaking. the answer is no. Jus...